
Always Live Smiling
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Always Live Smiling

Prezzo per Unità (piece): €15.00
Cod: 978-88-7495-565-7

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Always Live Smiling

Marco Sguaitzer

euro 15,00 -  pp. 176
cm 15,5x21 - b/w

Always Live Smiling, ALS. The acronym for a serious degenerative disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.Marco discovered he suffered from the "bitch" - as centre forward Stefano Borgonovo, player of the Italian soccer team and killed by ALS in 2013, called it - in 2008, after an intense life made of sports, many friends, a constant and insatiable curiosity about the world and people.
A hunger for life that never falters and that fills the pages of this book, written between 2013 and 2014: thoughts, memories, posts published in his blog, short and auto-biographical pieces slowly plunging us in the life of Marco, a man who has no intention of giving up the path of hope.
Always Live Smiling isn't the story of his disease, nor a melancholic album of memories. On the contrary, it's a manifesto for life, written by an expert narrator representing the world with strong and light brush strokes, in a constant balance between depth and levity.

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